1 min read

hello, world!

hello, world!
Photo by Yaopey Yong / Unsplash

I went on the internet in 1995 specifically to join a mailing list and have been extremely online ever since, always sharing things first on a personal website, then my blog, and then I worked for a whole bunch of sites you might've heard of. And then Twitter came along and I got addicted to that like pretty much everyone else I know and kind of stopped writing anywhere else.

I quit Twitter cold turkey a few years ago and have also changed careers a few times but I've missed writing a lot, so here's a new newsletter from me, sharing the weird/interesting/cool/useful things I'd be sending you if we were besties— except in email form two to three times a week instead of all day and all night every day.

p.s. My blog now lives at lia.bulaong.com, with new content plus old posts from the now-dead lliiaa.com and cheesedip.com slowly making their way back dating all the way back to, uh, 1999.